
RHI to END March 2022 – What you need to know


The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is due to finish on 31st March 2022 and is due to the replaced by a Clean Heat Grant.

The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive was first introduced in April 2014 and has been relatively successful to help encourage homeowners install more energy efficient heating technologies, such as heat pumps & biomass boilers.

Essentially the RHI scheme provides quarterly financial payments to homeowners who install approved systems to heat their properties. Payments are based on the kW heat demand of your property and what time of heating system you decide to install. Payments are guaranteed for 7 years under the Government scheme and tax free for homeowners.

The new Clean Heat Grant is due to replace the current RHI system but is yet to be finalised. It is believed to provide grants of up to £4,000 for homeowners to choose low energy systems rather than conventional gas or oil boilers. For the majority of homeowners the RHI scheme will be more lucrative with many applicants claiming up £1,000 per year for the 7 year period.

Tipsgrove Eco provide a full installation service for both air source & ground source heat pumps and assist customers through each step of the RHI process. To make sure you don’t miss out of benefiting from the RHI scheme please contact us today.


Contact Information

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Tipsgrove Eco Ltd
Tipsgrove Farm

01531 671237